Workshops 2015
Workshops are finalized and I am excited to share the amazing offerings we have from women all over the US and Canada.
You will pick one workshop for each of the three time slots when you arrive at the retreat.
Friday morning:
1. Jenny Caughman (Tennessee)
The Doctrine of Life and the Quest for a Fulfilling Spiritual Life.
Those who have read Swedenborg are familiar with his statement concerning life: 'All religion is of the life, and the life of religion is to do that which is good' – but what exactly does that mean? What is good and how do we move beyond the understanding to the practice of treating all others with compassion? What helps us to actually move along the path of regeneration and what gets in the way? The roots of this presentation will be Doctrine of Life and the fruits will be gleaned through an exploration of the process and challenges of putting these teachings into practice.
2. Tryn Rose Seley (Arizona)
Music for the Soul
We will sing for God, as a group in the session, and for worship services or other special moments. The joy of the session time will be a gift to us, and what we share and invite in large group times, a gift for others.
3. Ros Taylor (Pennsylvania)
A Taste of Logopraxis (Note two sessions: Part Two (Saturday) will be a continuation of Part One)
PART ONE: Logopraxis simply means “to practice the Word” and describes an approach to engaging with truths of Divine revelation as the basis for a daily spiritual practice. Logopraxis not only offers a framework for personal inner work and spiritual growth through integrating spiritual truths into life but it also offers a basis for cultivating a deeper sense of spiritual community through its online and face to face small group networks. Participants will then choose between a Bible passage and a Swedenborg passage as the text they will use for Logopraxis. We will follow the process of working with the text to develop a personal spiritual growth task to use until the next session
Friday Afternoon:
1. Jennifer Lindsay (California)
Finding God in Nature
Spiritual connections exist around us at all times, especially when we immerse ourselves in nature. We will prepare ourselves as a group to embrace nature and then silently and slowly walk together while taking mental notes of the sights, smells, and sounds we encounter. If a particular stone or leaf draws your attention - pick it up and incorporate the sensation of touch into your walk Afterwards, we will debrief as to what we experienced and how we witnessed God's presence in the natural environment. This meditative walk will occur in sun or rain unless there is lightening nearby.
2. Shada Sullivan (Pennsylvania)
The Apostle Paul
The theology of Paul is foundational to most of Christianity but is often foreign to Swedenborgians. This workshop will explore the historical context of Paul the apostle, his mission and his pastoral theology. We will discuss how his theology agrees with, as well as contrasts with, Swedenborgian theology, and examine some of his infamous statements about women in the church.
3. Vera Dyck (Ontario, Canada)
Souls under the altar – freeing the captive and helping the banished come home
Through a spoken presentation and a talking stick circle, we will explore ways that church can help –or hurt - those healing from childhood sexual abuse and the spiritual injuries that accompany it. Based on her experience as a sexual abuse survivor, and her training and clinical work as a trauma therapist, Vera will provide an overview of challenges faced by sexual abuse survivors attempting to access the nurturing, protection and support of God and church. She will share stories of what has been helpful to her, facilitate some Q and A, and pass the talking piece.
Saturday Morning:
1. Jenn Tafel (Michigan)
A New Understanding of Gender
This workshop will help you understand that the definition of gender is shifting from a binary concept of male and female to a fluid spectrum. How can Swedenborg's exegesis of Genesis 2 help inform this fluid definition of gender? If we understand that the story of Adam and Eve is about the unification of our will and understanding, rather than just our physical beings, how can we hold to the binary definition of gender?
2. Ros Taylor (Pennsylvania)
Logopraxis – PART TWO (continuation of Part One from Friday morning)
Participants will share the results of their 24-hour spiritual work.
3. Maureen & Tamara Farsadi (California)
Dare to Share
If you feel strongly about our church making greater efforts at evangelization, sharing the writings, and the inner meaning of the Bible with friends and colleagues (outside the church) — this workshop is for you! We will lead the group through a hands-on, experiential sample 30-45 minute session of a Bible Study Group format you can start in your area using only the Bible and portions of Anita Dole’s Bible Study Notes as a guide. We will then brainstorm ideas on “how to” share our unfamiliar doctrine in keeping with plain, simple, open and fun fellowship — as well as discuss ways to share the writings and our valuable understanding with real enthusiasm and confidence (using the life of Jesus Christ as our example). Our sample “First Session” will be THE BIRTH OF THE LORD Luke 2:1-20 So… circle up! And dare to share the good news with newcomers back home.
You will pick one workshop for each of the three time slots when you arrive at the retreat.
Friday morning:
1. Jenny Caughman (Tennessee)
The Doctrine of Life and the Quest for a Fulfilling Spiritual Life.
Those who have read Swedenborg are familiar with his statement concerning life: 'All religion is of the life, and the life of religion is to do that which is good' – but what exactly does that mean? What is good and how do we move beyond the understanding to the practice of treating all others with compassion? What helps us to actually move along the path of regeneration and what gets in the way? The roots of this presentation will be Doctrine of Life and the fruits will be gleaned through an exploration of the process and challenges of putting these teachings into practice.
2. Tryn Rose Seley (Arizona)
Music for the Soul
We will sing for God, as a group in the session, and for worship services or other special moments. The joy of the session time will be a gift to us, and what we share and invite in large group times, a gift for others.
3. Ros Taylor (Pennsylvania)
A Taste of Logopraxis (Note two sessions: Part Two (Saturday) will be a continuation of Part One)
PART ONE: Logopraxis simply means “to practice the Word” and describes an approach to engaging with truths of Divine revelation as the basis for a daily spiritual practice. Logopraxis not only offers a framework for personal inner work and spiritual growth through integrating spiritual truths into life but it also offers a basis for cultivating a deeper sense of spiritual community through its online and face to face small group networks. Participants will then choose between a Bible passage and a Swedenborg passage as the text they will use for Logopraxis. We will follow the process of working with the text to develop a personal spiritual growth task to use until the next session
Friday Afternoon:
1. Jennifer Lindsay (California)
Finding God in Nature
Spiritual connections exist around us at all times, especially when we immerse ourselves in nature. We will prepare ourselves as a group to embrace nature and then silently and slowly walk together while taking mental notes of the sights, smells, and sounds we encounter. If a particular stone or leaf draws your attention - pick it up and incorporate the sensation of touch into your walk Afterwards, we will debrief as to what we experienced and how we witnessed God's presence in the natural environment. This meditative walk will occur in sun or rain unless there is lightening nearby.
2. Shada Sullivan (Pennsylvania)
The Apostle Paul
The theology of Paul is foundational to most of Christianity but is often foreign to Swedenborgians. This workshop will explore the historical context of Paul the apostle, his mission and his pastoral theology. We will discuss how his theology agrees with, as well as contrasts with, Swedenborgian theology, and examine some of his infamous statements about women in the church.
3. Vera Dyck (Ontario, Canada)
Souls under the altar – freeing the captive and helping the banished come home
Through a spoken presentation and a talking stick circle, we will explore ways that church can help –or hurt - those healing from childhood sexual abuse and the spiritual injuries that accompany it. Based on her experience as a sexual abuse survivor, and her training and clinical work as a trauma therapist, Vera will provide an overview of challenges faced by sexual abuse survivors attempting to access the nurturing, protection and support of God and church. She will share stories of what has been helpful to her, facilitate some Q and A, and pass the talking piece.
Saturday Morning:
1. Jenn Tafel (Michigan)
A New Understanding of Gender
This workshop will help you understand that the definition of gender is shifting from a binary concept of male and female to a fluid spectrum. How can Swedenborg's exegesis of Genesis 2 help inform this fluid definition of gender? If we understand that the story of Adam and Eve is about the unification of our will and understanding, rather than just our physical beings, how can we hold to the binary definition of gender?
2. Ros Taylor (Pennsylvania)
Logopraxis – PART TWO (continuation of Part One from Friday morning)
Participants will share the results of their 24-hour spiritual work.
3. Maureen & Tamara Farsadi (California)
Dare to Share
If you feel strongly about our church making greater efforts at evangelization, sharing the writings, and the inner meaning of the Bible with friends and colleagues (outside the church) — this workshop is for you! We will lead the group through a hands-on, experiential sample 30-45 minute session of a Bible Study Group format you can start in your area using only the Bible and portions of Anita Dole’s Bible Study Notes as a guide. We will then brainstorm ideas on “how to” share our unfamiliar doctrine in keeping with plain, simple, open and fun fellowship — as well as discuss ways to share the writings and our valuable understanding with real enthusiasm and confidence (using the life of Jesus Christ as our example). Our sample “First Session” will be THE BIRTH OF THE LORD Luke 2:1-20 So… circle up! And dare to share the good news with newcomers back home.